The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (by Robin S Sharma)

This is mystical fable about a famous lawyer in New York leaving his worldly possessions in search of personal mastery and his destiny. I suggest every one to read this story to understand the importance of self-reflection and consequently mental, physical and spiritual well being. While the core message of the book is not new in the vast Indian philosophical literature, the simplicity of this book strike me the most.

The lawyer turned spiritualist returns to New York to spread the messages he learned through his experiences with Sages of Himalayas. The sages teach him the importance of personal mastery through a deceivingly simple story.

The beautiful garden in the story represents your mind. What you sow in the garden and how you control your thoughts ultimately transforms your life. The towering light house in the garden is a daily reminder on importance of personal goal setting for mental and physical well being. The Sumo Wrestler represents the art of continuous improvements. The pink wire cable is the resolve and self-discipline which is what great people are made of. The stop watch is a reminder of your precious time and how you make best use of it. The scented yellow flowers, the diamond studded path all are strewn in the story to tell us a key message.

We always come across people leaving high paying jobs and set out to do some thing radically different. The have figured out that the only way to achieve true happiness is by following their personal dreams and running their own race. A lot of us have the same dilemmas in life. We always want to be happier in life but somehow happiness always eludes us. I believe this is book is a good starting point on the only path to true happiness.

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