With every iOS update it seems that the percentage of users jailbreaking their phones is increasing.
What does that tell? Customers want more out of their devices than what Apple is providing. The divergence is increasing with every incremental update. Importantly, the users who want to tweak their devices are also the loyal apple developers.
Apple is no longer a rebel it once was when the first iPhone was launched. It is increasingly forming rules in the smartphone market instead of breaking them. A leader’s curse, perhaps.
In a quest to be most user friendly and provide uniform experience across all Apple devices, Apple jealously guards the interaction between users and their devices. In the process, a sizable chunk of the high end users are being alienated.
It is perhaps the time to have two variants of iOS devices. One for the geek users and another for hoi polloi. The tried and tested features from the geek version to should flow to the regular version.