> I decided to do some more research on blogs as it is still an alien concept to me.
Soon I started stumbling on interesting statistics and articles on blogs. A cursory look into influence of blogs on society led me to lot of theories. One theory that I believe summarizes rapid growth of blogs is this. The ability to put forward your points for the entire world to see is irresistible. We all want to be heard but people are busy. Another advantage of pouring in your thoughts at some place is it really helps in guiding your thought process in future.. I agree with them..
I particularly liked an artice on origin of blogs. “Some where between diary and digest the blog mixes opinions, news, gossip and personal revelations”, says the article. Another piece of interesting study is the results from survey on blogs. Majority of the respondents agreed it is a great tool to collaborate and helped them in professional and personal lives.
On a sleepy afternoon, I started wondering where this phenomenon will head to in future. I found another blog where housewives post messages on the breakfast they prepared for kids. Soon I started imagining how business can make use of blogs. A few points that came to my still sleepy mind :
– ideal for targeted advertizing to promote niche products
– psychology research tool to understand subliminal behavior of consumers ( hope I am using the term in the right context)
– breeding ground for new product ideas & for unbiased feedback on existing products
– ideal for focus group study and sampling
Many more and I give up here..